Focus Areas

application Process:
We select 40 startups to pitch at HTVD in Boston. Application period is from 15 November. The 40 selected startups will be prepared individually for their participation, including a review of their pitch and the preselection of relevant investors to talk to at the event.
Register to HTVD-US
& fill out your Onepager
Create your Onepager
Selecting the 40 Best
Startup ticket
- Event participation including catering
- On-site pitch
- Access to exclusive online HTVD.US networking tool
- Individual prep call (pitch review, identification of relevant investors)
399.00 USD
*) HTSB Network e.V. members receive 15% discount
- Costs only arise for attendees of the 40 selected startups.
- The application is free of charge.
After selection, the top 40 startups will receive the startup Ticket Link via E-Mail
Between December and January we will start selecting the 40 startups to pitch at HTVD. Those startups will be prepared individually for their participation at HTVD in September. This includes review of their pitch and the preselection of relevant investors to talk at the event.


- Review pitch & slidedeck
- Identification of relevant investors at HTVD
- Identification of potential customers at HTVD
- Access 10 days prior to the event
- Create your own networking profile
- 1:1 meetings (on site & in online platform)
- Check investors´ profiles (focus areas, tickets)

- Elevator pitch
- Networking
- Messenger service
- Virtual 1:1 meetings
call for projects
The HTVDUS Call is open!
Thank you for all the submissions. We are overwhelmed by the quality and quantity of the applications.
Together with our partners, we will now select and inform the top 40 ventures.
Any Questions?
Do you need support with any part of the HTVD25 application process or have any other question regarding your application for
Don’t hesitate to contact us via
e-mail or phone!

Urla Zähr
Telephone: +49 (0) 172 2496 207
E-Mail: zaehr[at]

Annemarie Weder
Telephone: +49 (0) 152 226 404 92
E-Mail: weder[at]
Are you a Startup and need support regarding the #HTVD25 process or have any other question regarding HIGHTECH VENTURE DAYS?
Don’t hesitate to contact me via
e-mail or phone!
statements of #htvd alumni
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